Wednesday, June 24, 2015

MOOC-ing My Way Along the Wall

After I found out I was accepted as a 2015 Fund For Teachers fellow, I ran across this interesting online course - Hadrian’s Wall: Life on the Roman Frontier. It is a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) offered by Newcastle University (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK) and is the perfect addition to my upcoming trip. I’ve done a bit of background reading and research, but this course provides some amazing context and details to what I’ve read and will encounter. The added bonus is interacting with other eager learners from around the world. Yes, it’s work. Yes, there are assessments. That’s not the point - it’s about being a life-long learner and wanting to instill that passion in kids. I’m not fooling anybody by thinking I’m going be an “expert” on Hadrian’s Wall after this MOOC or after my FFT fellowship, but I do know that I will be in a much better place to teach students about the Roman experience in Britain and help them connect the dots between past, present and future. It’s not too late to sign up if you are curious about the focus of my fellowship!

In other news, this little guy came in the mail today:

He’ll be joining me on my FFT adventures. He just needs a name.  I’m leaning towards Leo the Legionary but am open to suggestions!

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